Monday, February 27, 2017

My Home

Image result for cartoon shower
     My home is not where my house is. It is not where I sleep or eat. Its wherever I make it. My home has to do with where my family is and where and where I feel comfortable. Me and my family go on vacation regularly. We are not spending time away from home. We are just moving it somewhere nicer. In my home, regardless of where it may be, is always filled with laughter and fun. I think has to do with how you are around your family. In my house, we joke, laugh, and just cool down after a long day. Its a place of decompression. Where you can think about your day and what you have to do tomorrow. I always think about what I have to do in the shower. That is where I can truly relax. Between the sound and the feeling of warm water, I can almost fall asleep in there. In fact, sometimes I do fall asleep on accident. In my mind, your home is a place where you can decompress. A place where all of your thoughts and worry can melt away. I feel sorry for people who don't have relaxing environments at home. I think everyone should have home that they can feel safe in.

Image result for cartoon house

Sunday, February 12, 2017

From Catholic to Public

Easton Area High School
Holy Family School K-8
     I started school in a private catholic school called Holy Family. At the end of first grade they started to teach me how write in cursive, and by second grade it was weird to write in print. I started to read in kindergarten and, by first grade I had it down pretty well. I still remember the pale yellow walls that were in my first grade classroom. My teacher's bright red frizzy hair always stood out from the background. She picked me out of the group and really cared for me. She was saw that I was above the other students so she always made sure I was challenged. After the fourth grade, I switched to Easton Area Middle School. That was a huge change. I went from going to church every Friday during school to the ISS room being right down the halls. Every once in a while their would be an explosive outburst from a kid who didn't get his way, while I sat in Reading putting sentences in the right order. In all of my classes from then to high school their would be one or two big essay's a year. In high school our assignments became more focused on analyzing and drawing meaning from words that do not outright state their purpose. This year we read The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell. That was a tough book to understand, but it lead to a lot of real world discussions with my classmates. We discussed marriage, religion, women in the military, and many other controversial topics. It was really great to see my peers opinions compared to my own. I think as I progressed on in my literary education it became more and more relevant to the real world. Those connections can sometimes be hard to make, but this year in particular opened my eyes to a whole different world. This world is scrawled across pages in every book you pick up. Each one giving a little bit more insight on how the world really works.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Natasha's Life

Natasha is studying to become a social worker. She loves working with kids and finds the idea of helping a child in need very rewarding. Currently she is working at Ora Sure Technologies. Ora Sure produces and manufactures STD testing equipment. Natasha's Husband is a deacon and loves music, He sings and plays, bass guitar, keyboard, and the organ. She also has twin sisters. They were both in the military at one point. Her son plays Easton football. I know from personal experience that the program their is great, and she told me that her son loves it on Easton football. Natasha reminded me of thee punishments they would give the players who got bad grades. She said that her son has spectacular grades now because he wants to play so bad. It is like a big family at Easton she explained. She said that they really didn't know many people because they had just moved their, but now other parents are inviting her to dinner because they know each through football. The Easton football program has made a huge impact on their lives. Natasha also loves to travel. She has been to the Bahamas. She said that the weather is amazing there. She says she wants to go back at some point. Natasha and her family are also planning a trip to Jamaica in June. Natasha is a happy person and is willing to work hard to get things done. She is ready to be challenged in getting a degree, but accepts it with open arms.